Saturday, July 5, 2014

Week 9 - Day 4 - Anime Villains

#2 - Kiryuin Ragyo - Kill la Kill

This woman is a wonderful example of the evil side of humanity. She's a complete villain and wants to fuck over the world because she can. Kiryuin Ragyo is a perfect representation of all of the people in this world that want to cause ill will toward others and the utter frustration at how impossible it is to rid the world of evil.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Blog!

I've wanted to do a review blog for a while that would keep up with some currently airing shows and now it's a thing.

Check out the tab above or just click here to check out afictionate! It's a spoiler-heavy review site for the current Summer 2014 season:

The Legend of Korra
Sailor Moon Crystal
Free! Eternal Summer
Sword Art Online II
Tokyo ESP

The Fall Season so far will be:

Doctor Who
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Week 9 - Day 3 - Anime Villains

#3 - Soul Eater

This one is a spoiler.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 9 - Day 2 - Anime Villains

#4 - Team White Snow

I love to hate this team. Seriously, they're jerks. They will do everything they can to get in Satomi's way, even going as far as breaking a leg of one of the Satomi pilots. Zanak is a hotheaded asshole, Judy knows the exact strings to pull that can drive a person angry, and Max is the mastermind that lets all the anger flow. White Snow was a really great villain team for a sports show because they would do anything to win but the focus is still on the sport. Unlike Sledge Mama's fans, White Snow let most of all of it happen on the track or behind the scenes.