Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!

Similar: Kyoukai no Kanata, Hyouka
Two Seasons and a recap movie for season one
(the second season has the same title followed by 'Ren')
Bechdel Test: Pass

Rating: 3!

If you like secondhand embarrassment, then this one is for you.

Chunibyo's main character is Togashi Yuuta but the story mostly involves his friendship with Takanashi Rikka. She has eighth-grader's syndrome and believes herself to obtain the Wicked Eye which she keeps behind her eye-patch. His meeting with her comes right after he gives up on his own belief that he was the
Dark Flame Master. The fun thing about this one is that the animation delves into the imagination of the characters with the eighth-grader's syndrome by showing the characters fight with over-the-top weapons but then cutting back to a bystander's point of view (usually Yuuta) and showing what the characters are actually doing in real life.

The show plays largely on comedy but gets pretty serious by the end of the first season without the humor dying out. Another nice thing about this one is the refreshing lack of a harem. Yuuta tends to only hang out with girls but there is only one girl that has a thing for him (although it jumps to two girls in season 2). Other than that, he rarely talks to two of the girls and one of them would say that she disliked him more than anything. This frees up the relationships a little bit and allows the story to discuss the character's psychological states instead of just overused romance/fighting between girls over the guy. Even more refreshing is the eventual romance that pops up. It's adorable.

It's really relatable and laid back. It also spends a bit of time with female friendships or rivalry (due to mutual hatred - which is easily debatable) and has some wonderful animation. It's definitely worth a look.






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